A cutting can cause kickback? Yes, in a sense. Many woodworkers are familiar with the unnerving experience with a sliding miter saw blade binds in the middle of the piece of wood cut, you hear a sudden violent shots back of the motor and blade unit. Such an event is not as likely as other forms of non-return to cause serious injury, but the operator can move with the desire to leave something safer - like grinding or sweeping the floor.
In most casesthe term "kickback" refers to stationary woodworking machines, which is usually much stronger than a sliding miter saw. Real setback occurs when the blade or the edge of a wood processing machine is connected to a piece in the store and rushes toward the operator. Compared to the miter saw kickbacks, which is a much more serious situation. The sudden movement, you can draw your hand in contact with the bit or blade. Or in the worst cases you may be beaten or stabbed withthrew-back in stock.
With a sliding miter saw "kickback" occurs when the blade is raised depends on the material during cutting. It is the material firmly against the wall saw - as they should - the result is a sudden force is driving the motor and saw blade assembly of the outside of the user's direction. While this is quite incredible, does not usually lead to serious consequences - on condition that the operator has the following basic safety precautions.
Even if you follow the basic machine gunSafety - keep your hands free and out of the way of the sword, wear safety equipment, make sure that every angle settings are locked safe, keep the material until the near the fence and bed of the instrument, refer etc. (if your has seen the manual for a complete list) - You can verify this occasional surprise. The most common reason is the one described above, where it locks the blade into the material and have seen in the case of sliding, has led theUsers.
Why? Kickback occurs when the miter cut (the slot of the blade) is closed in the blade and "capture" them. It often happens when you cross the long, wide boards in the middle. If the wood is not perfectly smooth and flat, can not be kept in close contact with the fence and saw the bed at any point. As the proceeds of the wood section and moves in close contact with / or enclosure and read, cut and change its shape to meet on the path of the blade. WhenCut long, large deposit on a sliding miter saw, as some carpenters from a crossbeam near the fence of the paper. This helps to mitigate the impacts of the bonding that takes place.
Other factors contributing to this relationship blade, including one or two that are totally avoidable. Wet wood or wood with a high pitch content is more "sticky" and may be more susceptible to the grave. A dull or inappropriate blade is also more of a tendency to bond. On a sliding miter saw, adull blade with a cutting angle of a few aggressive and jagged teeth is a recipe for cuts, cut short pieces bouncing back and forth, and generally unpleasant experience at least saws. A quality knife designed for use on miter saw to cut not only help to firm, but is also a world of difference in the quality of flowers delivered cutting saw.
You should also check that the saw is working properly. The blade must follow a perfectly straightTo avoid the cut, are chafing against the cut. Make sure the bevel and miter settings in your hand is almost faster than the blade, and there is no appreciable slop in one of the moving parts.
It 'a good idea to ensure that the two sides of the fence are on the same level. If you are not, and the fence is not adjustable, the problem with the addition of a shop-made sub-ether side fence and Shim, until the two are exactly coplanar be corrected. If everything works properly andwith a sharp knife right, should the vast majority of the cuts in the glass near smooth and without problems.
Mitre Another unpleasant event occurs when the blade catches the edge of a piece of cutting and fire above the shop. That occur mainly in very small pieces of stock, this kind of "backlash" rarely puts the operator in great physical danger (as long as appropriate protective equipment is used). But it is incredible, and can be very annoying when the sawed-offBullet - this can be extremely difficult to find - it's the part you need.
A blade good and proper function are the best defense against flying shear. You may also want to have a mild stroke, instead of banging when cutting the wood as quickly as possible (saw cut is a name, not an education). Another trick is that the blade to a complete stop before raising it to come to camp. If everything goes well, it should also leave small cutOff goes directly to the blade.